The first 16 weeks of the programme include a taught component, carefully designed to train individuals to possess core academic ability in organic chemistry coupled with an overview of key concepts important for a molecular view of biology and medicine. Taken by the entire group, this peer-to-peer learning method is key to building the cohort and advancing knowledge.
The taught component of the programme includes > 20 foundation modules, lasting between one day and two weeks. These modules span the entire remit of contemporary synthetic chemistry.
Designed not only to equip students with the necessary skillset to carry out their research at Oxford, but also provides an opportunity to develop personal and professional transferable skills.
A typical student day during the taught course period will comprise a full timetable (from 9.00 a.m until 5.00 p.m), often with 2-3 hours of lectures in the morning followed by worked examples, interactive exercises and written work in the afternoon.
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I applied to the SBM-CDT because it sounded like an exciting way of doing a PhD, it's not just straight into the lab, there's opportunity for further learning in a range of areas across disciplines which makes eventually getting in the lab more worthwhile. The work environment is lovely, the office space we have is excellent and the people I'm working with are enthusiastic and intelligent. We regularly work together and go to the pub together! The course structure itself is very intense, and seems to cover diverse ground between biology and chemistry, which I really like.
Oliver Coleman, 2014 Cohort
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Department of Chemistry
Chemistry Research Laboratory
12 Mansfield Road
Oxford, OX1 3TA
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